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Final Outcomes and Final Product

Film: Rachel

Model: Me


Filming a mock-up of the necklace

 in situ for our one-minute film

Following on from the new relaunch of our necklace as a kit, the group observed our mood boards and images to decide the aesthetic of our pattern book and packaging. The outcome was a brown kit bag decorated with Sasha’s digital prints taken from images me and Beck had taken at the Whitworth. In addition, Beck created a layout for our pattern book, which she and Sasha mocked-up onto mood boards – which were to be used to pitch our idea to the Whitworth. During said pitch we received praise and much needed feedback and given the idea to redesign the pattern book. From this our team  made the suggested changes and decided to chose to brand the kit POD after the flora that inspired it. Furthermore, we collectively chose to leave the inside of the pod unglazed as it would detract from the seed inserts but were told to glaze the exterior of the outer pod as the slip cast crochet had become rough and would snag customers clothing. However, I found whilst glazing them, that due to the fragile nature of the porcelain that they couldn’t cope with the high saturation of glaze and many tests broke. Also, discovering that the glazes created a plastic aesthetic, meaning we decided to slip cast some more but to vitrify them instead. Once the outer pods were vitrified, Beck set to work on the pattern book and worked with Sasha to create the packaging. Meanwhile Rachel was given the task of making our one-minute film as well as the providing the voiceover and I was tasked of helping her with the final footage for the film as well as modelling for in situ photographs. Finally, once everything was done, we set about preparing for the exhibition at the Manchester Design and Craft Centre. Despite a few minor set backs with printing issues and miscommunication about our exhibition setup, we rallied together to organise our display. Everyone had a role in the exhibition – film (Rachel), stickers, packaging, pattern book and mood boards (Beck and Sasha) and modelling in situ photographs and featuring in footage of the final outcomes (me).  But, as a whole, I believe we all put in a lot of effort on the display and helped each other through the initial stress of setting everything up for the Unit X Festival and the Private Show.  Both of which went successfully and many complimented us on our work. 

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